Remote Worship Info

Good Evening Simpson Family,

Join us on Sunday for our online worship celebration.

Sunday Service @Simpson United Methodist Church-Delaware:

Time: Sundays, 10:45 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

(1) Use your Smartphone or digital device to view the live feed: Download the Zoom app Click on the URL:

OR Facebook Live - Simpson United Methodist Church- Delaware

(2) Simply Call-in by Phone: Dial: 1-646-558-8656
Meeting ID: 971 662 607

Login, call in, or watch on Facebook live. Join us for service.

SUMC Communication Team

The Stewardship Ministry, along with the chair of the Finance committee and Pastor, has the responsibility for planning and encouraging year round growth in faithful stewardship. The Chair and members are elected annually by the charge conference after being nominated by the committee on Lay Leadership. The Chair person of Stewardship is also a member of the Finance committee.


  1. Plan and promote a comprehensive year round agenda for developing Christian stewards.
  2. Interpret the biblical and theological basis for Christian stewardship.
  3. Invite the members in the congregation to explore tithing.
  4. Create, with the congregation, a deepening commitment to personal and corporate Christian stewardship.
  5. Work with the Finance Ministry on meeting their goals.


  1. Focus on the need of the giver to give rather than the need of the church to receive.
  2. Model faithful stewardship.
  3. Work toward long range goals in the next 5 to10 years to give a larger percentage of income to mission ministries.
  4. Support other church leadership to remain focused on the vision of the church.